Day 1: During the initial fill you want to address Metals, PH, Alkalinity, Hardness and Phosphates. It can be overwhelming at first but if you follow these instructions at startup the rest of the week, month, quarter and year will be much easier.
Use a Pre-filter to fill the spa, this will help filter out metals before they enter the tub. When filling the tub you want to fill through the filter housing, not to filter the water, but so the water flows into the pump to prevent a Vapor-Lock. Most tubs will have a fill to line but if they don’t you want to make sure all jets are covered (some neck and shoulder jets are above the water line and point downward), the filter is covered so its not sucking air and just below any pillows.
Once the tub is filled you can power on the tub at the breaker and prime your pumps. Now you wait until the tub is heated up to about 70 degrees.
You’ll now want to use a test strip to determine how much Spa Up or Spa down you need to add to your tub. When ever adding Chemicals you want to RUN THE JETS for at least 15 minutes with the cover open. Now would also be a good time to test for phosphates and add any Phosphate Remover and/or Metal Gon that is needed.
Day 2: Now that your tub is balanced and at your desired temperature you can add your Chlorine, Bromine or Salt Sanitizers. When ever adding Chemicals you want to RUN THE JETS for at least 15 minutes with the cover open. 15 minutes later you are ready to enjoy!
Day 3: You are now ready for your next soak. Run a test strips to verify your water is still balanced and safe, make small adjustments as needed
Immediately address any issues you may notice like Foam, Clear water with Green or Orange hue, etc….
Day 7: You will want to clean your filter with a high pressure nozzle. Many hot tub owners find it more convenient to have a second set of filters. This way they can grab the clean filter and go to the tub and replace the filter and then walk to their cleaning station and clean the filter and then place it on the shelf to dry and not have to make a second trip to the hot tub.
Run a test strip to verify your water is still balanced and safe, make small adjustments as needed.
Day 90: Or as needed. Low Bather loads and Saltwater hot tubs may not need to drain and refill the tub for 1 year and other high bather hot tubs and AirBNB hot tubs may be draining more frequently. We recommend a utility pump to drain the spa quickly in as a little as 20 minutes.