Hot Tub Vapor Lock Prevention

The easiest way to prevent vapor locks is to fill through your filter housing. However, that only works on all pumps if all the pumps are plumbed together. Here is a customizable kit where you can easily plumb all of your pumps together: Vapor Lock Prevention Kit.

In our example we will be using an Artesian Spas – Island Spa Captiva as an example. As long as the bleeder valve is higher than the pumps you will be fine.

Locate one of the plastic caps on the front corners of the spa. Remove the cap but leave the plastic ring in place. Install the air bleeder valve with a hose clamp and hose as shown below.

Now connect the other end of the hose to a Tee. The other 2 ends of the Tee go to a Jet Pump and the other to the Circ pump. Each pump needs to have a pump connecter installed to the pump in place of the lowest drain plug as shown below.

To tie together 2 pumps you will need:

For Each additional pump you will need:

When using the Hot Tub Vapor Lock Prevention Kit each hot tub will be a custom installation. If you don’t have a Artesian Spa you can install and the Air Bleeder anywhere in your cabinet you want, just make sure you have the space behind the cabinet and aren’t drilling the hole into other existing items. If you have an Artesian Spa but you have built it into a deck, you can also change where you mount the Air Bleeder.

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